Friday 19 March 2010

What is it with the partners of Best Actress Academy Award winners?

We all know that the majority of men in 2010 are pathetic and would rather marry a submissive woman, than a strong, intelligent one. Most men are fearful of assertive women who know what they want and intend to get it.

But what of the men who commit themselves to high achieving women only to then feel so emasculated that they then cheat on their partners to feel like men again.

I am of course talking about the pathetic partners of almost every women who has ever won an Oscar for her acting achievements. Hilary Swank. Charlize Theron. Halle Berry. Kate Winslet. They were all happily married until they achieved the highest accolade for their chosen career path. Shortly after their marraiges broke down. A coincidence? I think not. I must assert that these pathetic idiots could not cope with being with great women.

And now look at Sandra Bullock. Less than a week after winning her first Oscar, she discovers her husband Jesse has been chaeting on her with a woman who looks identical to him! He rides bikes for a living! He's covered in tats! Surely that made him feel enough of a man? But no, he had to go and fuck... well... himself, just to show his talented wife who's boss. What a doucebag.

I am proud to say that my wife is infinitely more talented than I am. She is a better person, has a far more accomplished career, and is more respected than I will ever be. Those are not reasons for me to feel less of a man. On the contrary, they are reasons to make damn sue I never lose her.

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